Regular Run Releases Listed from left to right |
Top Row
- Stablemate Assortment #5906 Mustang - Chestnut Overo Pinto 2006-08
- Stablemate Assortment #5907 Appaloosa 2009-11
- Stablemate Assortment #6010 Horse Crazy Stablemate - Mustang 2012-16
- Missing Play Set #5377 Barrel Racing 2014-15
- Missing Gift Set #5397 Horse Crazy Gift Collection 2015-Current
- Missing Play Set #4199 Horse Crazy Surprise Painting Kit 2015-Current
Special Run Releases Listed from left to right |
Top Row
- BreyerFest Breyer Store Special #711066 Three Ring Circus Stablemates Trio - Mini Jade 2006
- Missing Dealer Gift Treasure Hunt Thank You Model 2006
- Halloween Special Run #710016 Spooky Stablemates Set II - Mini Illuminati 2006
- BreyerFest Single Day Ticket #711027 Stripes 2007
- JCPenney #410421 Stablemate Parade of Breeds - Mustang 2007
- K-Mart #6126 Stablemates Gift Collection 2008
- Tractor Supply Company/Other Retailers #5602 Appaloosa Stallion and Foal 2008
- BreyerFest Breyer Store Special #711080 Stablemates 20th Anniversary Commemorative Set - 1992 Turbo the Wonder Horse 2009
- JCPenney #410512 Stablemate Parade of Breeds - Mustang 2009
- Target #720222 Pony Gals - Mustang 2009
- Missing Passage to the Pacific #712080 Hear Me Roar 2012
- Missing BreyerFest Store Special Copacabana 2016
From time to time models prepared with sanded seams and white primer have been released as a part of a Breyer Day Painting Kit for various events, promotions, and dealer extras. These have no solid dates associated with them and are generally considered outside of the conga line-up.
Missing from above:
#712080 Hear Me Roar
#5377 Barrel Racing
#5397 Horse Crazy Gift Collection
#4199 Horse Crazy Surprise Painting Kit
BreyerFest Store Special Copacabana
Many thanks to Connie Duncan, Mystuftoyou2, and MySt of My Stablemates for providing pictures for this post!
Are you looking to purchase a Hear Me Roar?