Friday, August 28, 2015

Conga! G2 Cantering Foal

Generation Two mold #5614 Cantering Foal was first released in 2000 and was sculpted by Sarah Rose.

Regular Run Releases
Listed from left to right

Friday, August 21, 2015

Play Sets: The Little Red Stable, Part II - Still Little, Still Red

In 1999 the Generation One models in the #59197 Stablemates Little Red Stable Set were replaced by two Generation Two models; the name and number of the set remained unchanged.

#59197 Stablemates Little Red Stable Set 1999-2001

Friday, August 14, 2015

Look-Alikes: G2 Andalusian

When it comes to look-alikes, the G2 molds don't disappoint; the sheer number of releases compared to the G1 numbers makes a healthy quantity of look-alikes a certainty. The colour breakdown is similar to that in the real Andalusian breed - lots of greys, some bays and chestnuts, and the rare dilute.

Friday, August 07, 2015

Conga! G2 Andalusian

Generation Two mold #5606 Andalusian was first released in 1998 and was sculpted by Kathleen Moody.

Regular Run Releases
Listed from left to right